From the other side
True to form, it has been a while.
I’ve written, and re-written, a 2013 “how did I fare?” recap blog post, many times now, only to promptly trash it and start anew, usually several hundred words into writing it. I’m happy to report that I surprised myself repeatedly throughout the year–most notably, staying healthy, dropping my marathon PR three out of my four races (and chopping off 11+ minutes in the process), hitting a yearly PDR, and most importantly, meeting a shit ton of amazing runners who have since become my close friends–but I didn’t think that really warranted its own post. I’ve written a lot about basically all of those things already, either here or on dailymile, and I don’t want to belabor anything anymore.
Instead, thanks to our big cross-country move that basically took over my life from early November, right after NYC, until December 21, when A and I boarded a one-way flight to SFO, it’s actually somewhat hard for me to sit down to write about anything but that when I think about 2013 and what I was, or wasn’t, able to accomplish. And fortunately, while we are here now with C, as a family living under one roof, in the same state, in the same part of the country (imagine that), I still feel like I’m holding my breath a bit until we close on our new place in a couple weeks.

At this rate, I feel like I’ve been slowly relocating for months now…and in a way, I guess we kinda have been.
Naturally, what has kept me grounded and, to be quite honest, probably tolerable to be around, has been running. For the first week, week-and-a-half that we were all here, I ran just for the purity of the sport. Pace expectations were nonexistent, mileage didn’t really matter (though I had set an arbitrary goal of hitting 2,200 miles before the end of 2013 because I was so close already), and I didn’t really care about anything but simply moving my body in a forward motion each day. In the process, I’ve begun to get some semblance of an idea of the Guadalupe River Trail, one of San Jose’s many trail systems, that I’ve been running on on an almost daily basis. It’s really quite pretty–the pictures can speak for themselves–and a bonus is that I can get to it in just under .8 mile from our current residence 🙂

While I don’t think I can quite call SJ “home” just yet, I feel like I’m making progress. Thank god for social media on this one, since I’ve been able to connect with some local runners and groups and have been planning to meet up with them for long runs, trail runs (yup, you read that correctly), and the like. Here, too, randomly applying for, and then being selected to represent, the San Francisco Marathon as a social media ambassador has been huge because it’s giving me an easy outlet to meet some Bay-area runners… all of whom just happen to be planning to run an awesome event in July 😉 (discount code DSC10TSFM2014A26 for the 5k, first or second half, or the full! Come run with me in July!). I just keep reminding myself that I’ve been here for all of two weeks now, and it takes time to meet people and get my bearings and feel as comfortable as I did when left Chicago, after living there for 11 years (though I’ve already run with TSFM run bud Paulette! you rock, lady!)
In addition, this week marked the beginning of my Pfitzinger 70/12 training for Oakland, and I’m toying with the idea of writing weekly training recaps this time around for my own edification, though I think it might be a bit overkill with doing that and dailymile. Thoughts? I always enjoy reading my friends’ weekly training logs, even though I tend to also read their DM stuff as well, yet the idea of doing both, myself, sounds like a waste of time because I doubt anyone would want to read it… funny how that works.
Anyway, no real point to this post, besides checking in and sending some love and some sun from SJ to wherever you are.
“If you’re not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you’re not demanding more from yourself – expanding and learning as you go – you’re choosing a numb existence. You’re denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” – Dean Karnazes
4 thoughts on “From the other side”
I hear you on starting all over in a new place, it takes time! Glad you had such an awesome year in running…more to come, I know it!
Love this post! And I’d enjoy reading your training logs too. 🙂
I love the idea of you posting weekly training logs! It means I will be able to keep up with all things Erin now that you live on the other side of the country : ). If I am scrolling through twitter and catch it, I like to read your DM posts, but I don’t always catch them, so it would be great to see how training is going and get a little synopsis of your thoughts every week. So, my votes is YES!
Glad you made the Yes choice! I’m late responding! I’m sure SJ has so many surprises for you and it will be a great experience for you and your family! plus, inclines!