Discount code for the 2019 Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon, half marathon, ultra, and 5k
We’ll ignore the fact that we’re barreling toward the end of January and this is my first blog post all year (more to come on that in a subsequent post, promise), but hey — popping in with some fun news!
The fine folks at the Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon brought me back for year six (wut) of this fun social media ambassador gig, which means yet again, for the front half of 2019, I get to evangelize to the Bay Area and the interwebz my love of this race in the form of a race discount.

You’re welcome. 🙂
AMBOERIN for 15% off your registration costs for the 5k, either half, the full, or the ultra
This race has a special place in my heart in no small part because I’ve run it so many times (the full in 2010, 2014, 2017, and 2018) and the 5k in 2015. Out of the 33 marathons I’ve run, I don’t think I’ve repeated one as often as I have SF; I think that is a testament to my fondness for the awesome course and experience.
It was through this social media ambassador gig with this fine race that I met and made many of my first friends in California, so this race is always like a special homecoming to me: a really freakin’ hard homecoming that typically leaves me questioning my life’s choices at the end 😛

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line, and local friends, keep your eyes peeled for some race-sponsored meet-ups in the months preceding the race. I’d love to see you at one!
Happy running and training, friends. 🙂