COVID, week 62 + tier YELLOW!
This time of year is always tough for me because it’s the almost-end of the kids’ school-year, and I feel like I have a thousand balls up in the air and not enough arms to adequately catch them. 🤹
It’s kinda like that feeling when you have a thousand things going on, and even if (big hypothetical statement there) you’re accomplishing that which you need to accomplish, you don’t necessarily feel like you’re doing anything particularly well. It kinda sucks, TBH.
I keep telling myself that it’s just a matter of days before conditions improve, and most everything equilibrates a bit. 🤞

For this week’s blogging purposes, I’ll quickly say that SCC has now reached the least restrictive YELLOW tier (yay!), which is pretty freaking amazing. That signifies that life is moving in the right direction.
Hope you and yours are faring well in these final weeks of the school-year.
4 thoughts on “COVID, week 62 + tier YELLOW!”
Rest is good. Gotta take care of yourself!
totally agree, Pete! Still running, of course – but after getting a sufficient amount of sleep first 😀 hope you are well!
Yay for rest! And yay for Yellow Tier!
ab-so-freaking-lutely!!!! couldn’t agree more!