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COVID, week 59 + what’s on yours?

COVID, week 59 + what’s on yours?

I’m a week-plus late to celebrating Des Linden’s 50k world record/non-record/“world best” (IYKYK) she set in Oregon, but if you’ve followed her for a time (or know even *this much* about her), you probably weren’t surprised that she did it. I’ve heard and read a couple interviews of hers post-race, and damn, I love that woman. What a badass

Hearing her interviews got me wondering about what goals are out there in my running that I still want to pursue, both now and once “normal” racing is back/back-ish and COVID, as we know it now, is in our rear-view mirror. I haven’t really thought about any of this in the past year because, well, the past year. 

Yours? What are you eyeing or even kinda-sorta pondering over? 

For starters, I feel like I still have unfinished business with the marathon; more specifically, I think I have faster ones in me yet. I think my desire to run longer is beginning to return, after it was all but gone for the better part of 2020, so on each weekend’s long run lately, depending on my schedule, I’ve either run for longer periods of time (going after time on feet), or longer distances, or sought greater elevation, or some combination of all of this. I don’t have much of a desire to do a hard LR workout on the roads just yet, but maybe this will come in time. 

this is fine. everything is fine. :\ from last weekend’s LR.
They have so much land and were all over the trail (Boccardo), uncomfortably close, and were near impossible to safely get around. It freaked me out for sure (especially a run-in with a mom and her 3 calves).

When CIM ‘21 opened for registration a few weeks ago, I waffled about it but didn’t sign up; at this point, I think I deferred from ‘19 to ‘20 to now ‘21, ‘22, or ‘23. With COVID still being what it is right now, I kinda can’t fathom how a point-to-point race like CIM would operate, with a lot of the onus and responsibilities being on the runner to manage — like on-course fluids and support, transportation to the starting line, that sort of thing — and right now anyway, I 100% have no interest in managing all of that myself while trying to post a speedy time. Maybe a lot will change between now and December though. Time will tell.  

The same goes for Boston, too. I talked before about my lack of interest in returning to Boston, but of course, after a year of no travel and no racing, the idea of going to and racing a major marathon — and in the fall, no less! — sounds pretty rad. It’s the same mental block that I have with CIM that I have with Boston right now, though. The point-to-point course complicates logistics in ways that I don’t have an interest in handling on my own. If it happens, I think it could be amazing — and especially with Des returning this year!! — but for me, I don’t think it’s a great fit at the moment. (And of course, a fall marathon necessitates summer training, which is always pretty dicey with kids being out of school and off their usual schedules. All that boring minutiae matters when making decisions like this, ya know!?). Part of me thought that maybe going back to Boston in the fall could be a cool way to memorialize John — since it was training for Boston eleven years ago that we all met — but I don’t think I’m ready to return. 

I think I also still have faster times in me over the shorter distances — namely, the mile-10k — but drumming up the excitement and hype for this is a bit more of a labor than it is for the marathon. With our current local race landscape being what it is, I’m taking advantage of this dearth of local racing opportunities to continue to work with Coach Lisa on the shorter stuff for a change. Of course, I have no idea when local races will be back online, but until then, I remind myself during short/fast workouts that this type of stimuli is good for me periodically. Most people would argue that to get faster over the longer distances, runners should first get faster over the shorter stuff, after all. I registered for this summer’s virtual Wharf to Wharf (6 mi), and right now, it feels energizing to think about training for a fast 6-miler, so we’ll see. It’s all new territory. 

But as we all know, running is more than fast times and PRs. I think every runner I know got creative over the past year, in the absence of in-person race opportunities, to keep their motivation high when it sometimes (often times) felt like it was a lot easier to simply give in to our hedonistic inclinations and not even bother. Pursuing fast times can be fun, yes, but it’s not the end-all, be-all. There are other goals to be had.

At the absolute other end of the spectrum, part of me still feels a (very small) pull toward the 50k and 50m distances, though when and where and why is all a mystery to me. The only 50k I posted was back in December ‘14, when I was very early (and unknowingly) pregnant with G, but I enjoyed the training and the experience of it. Similarly, part of me is intrigued by the 50m distance, but the motivation and interest flutters from season to season. 

Finally, for the novelty of it, I’m intrigued at the idea of completing a marathon from home — probably one that would be mostly situated in ARP and OSP, or maybe one from home into Monument Peak and surrounding areas — just ‘cuz. I also haven’t carried fluids with me on a run in over a year, so this project would necessitate a bit more forethought and planning that I’ve done in the recent past. Part of me also thinks it would be cool to run Mt. Hamilton Rd. from home to the Lick Observatory (~21 miles each way), but that’s probably a long shot just ‘cuz I don’t want to deal with vehicular traffic on narrow, hairpin turn mountain roads. 

The nice part about running, of course, is that you can maintain your motivation by chasing after whatever goal you want. There’s eventually going to be a time when I won’t get any faster, but that doesn’t mean that it’s time to shut it all down.

The pandemic reminded me every single day for the past year-plus that sometimes, it’s sufficiently gratifying to simply get out and move every single day, no matter the pace or distance covered. 

Just running what feels good or right is fine. 

Simply aiming to “move every day” can be enough. It’s fine. 

Some days, the miles are faster; some days, the miles are slower. Both are fine. 

Some days, the miles are flatter; on other days, they’re hillier. Both are fine. 

And some days, the miles seem to go on forever, and I don’t stop (and don’t want to stop) for a long time; on others, in comparison, I’m good after 20 or even 10 minutes. Both are fine. 

If you’re at a place with your running where you feel like it’s beginning to feel a little stagnant, and maybe local races aren’t readily available near you (or even if they are, if you’re not comfortable or interested in participating), I’d encourage you to put on your creativity cap and see what you can do. What sounds the most exciting to you right now and is something that you can sustain for a defined period of time (a training block, a quarter, whatever)?  There’s not really any right or wrong answers. 

Just like everything else with running, it’s very much an experiment of one. You’re a badass no matter; just keep showing up. 

COVID, week 58 + seismic

COVID, week 58 + seismic

It’s the theme of the past seven days since I last wrote: seismic. 

Today would be John’s 58th birthday. 

It’s a weird feeling, like you’re forgetting to do something, when someone you love, who has recently died, has a birthday. 

There’s no group text with the birthday gal/guy and all your mutual friends, with everyone heaping on their birthday wishes; no rash commentary about aging (or for runners, no “hey at least I gained a couple minutes on my BQ window!” or “I moved up an AG!”); nothing like that. 

Instead, the group text is with everyone else, everyone but the birthday person, acknowledging how bizarre and unfair it is that the deceased isn’t here for his or her birthday. Pretty much everyone’s birthday in 2020 was muted, dimmed, by the pandemic; I doubt John thought that his “pandemic birthday” would be his last. 

It’s brutal. 

To memorialize John and celebrate what would have been his 58th birthday today, on April 21, all of us from our FF BB ‘10 group decided we’d run 4.21 miles and then jump on a Google Meet chat tonight to pay our respects. 

I ran my typical workweek route from home through ARP, turning around a little later than usual because I had a little more pep in my step, and simply enjoyed the morning, listening to a SWAP podcast for the first ~30’ and then the birdsong for the balance, the ~3.8mi to get back home. It was lovely. I thought of him the entire time.  

from this morning’s run at 4.21 miles

long live John. -his FF BB fanclub harem


In the past seven days since my last writing, life has begun to shift. Last week Thursday, I was one of the 12,000 (!) people vaccinated at Levi’s Stadium on April 15, the original day that the state of California increased vaccine availability to everyone 16 years+; I say the “original day” because I guess the county or state moved it to 4/14 midweek, but by then I had already secured the appointment. 

I got to spend close to 3 hours at Levi’s Stadium with thousands of my best stranger friends as we moved through queue, after queue, after queue to get our Pfizer shot. 

It was amazing. I was so excited and happy to be there. I would have brought at least A with me so she could witness history being made with this large-scale public vaccination campaign, but alas, she was still in school when I left. In retrospect, I’m glad I didn’t bring my kids because they would have been bored to tears and over it within the first twenty minutes, ha. 

4/15/21 – Pfizer shot 1

Honestly, it was like being in line at Disneyland, multiplied by being in line for TSA, multiplied by going through customs for international travel, multiplied by being at the DMV. I kept thinking to myself that if this were a ride at Disneyland, we would all agree that it’s pretty fast-moving. We rarely stood still. (And of course, C, who got his shot at the same place just a couple days later, was in and out in fifteen minutes. Seriously!!?) 

In my tribute to John a couple weeks ago, I mentioned that I rarely run on the GRT anymore but that from now on, in the infrequent chances I were there, I’d think of him and of our ten-miles-in-the-pouring-rain run wherein we ran to Levi’s so he could see it up close. How interesting that out of anywhere I could have gone to get my COVID vaccine, I went to Levi’s. For sure there are specific considerations that went into play that made me go there — appointment availability, location, ease, all that stuff — but still. It makes me wonder. 

I would have loved to tell John that I got vaccinated there.


Last thing. I think yesterday’s ‘guilty’ verdicts for Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who murdered George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for over 9 minutes — which a seventeen year-old, Darnella Frazier, documented on her phone, whose video spread around the world last Memorial Day and helped advance a national (international) reckoning supporting Black Lives Matter — I think yesterday’s ‘guilty’ verdicts have already become something seared into our collective memory. Where were you when you heard the verdict? (Costco, grocery shopping, glued to NYT). 

It is progress, advancement. 

More than anything, it’s accountability. It’s an exception to the exception, but finally, there is accountability.

It is horrific and inexcusable that it came at the cost of human life and in no way does it atone for the countless other Black and Brown people’s lives lost at the hands of a white supremacist society, generally, or at the hands of law enforcement officers, specifically. We can’t bring back those we’ve lost, unfortunately. 

Nonetheless, it’s a step — roger that, a seismic step —  in the right direction.