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Entering into the mix: CrossFit

Entering into the mix: CrossFit

I am a lousy cross-trainer… and especially these days, now that A is in my life, because if I have an hour to work out each day, then I’m gonna run.

I’m a runner.

Running is what I do.

Running is how I will become a better runner.



More efficient.


Unlike many other marathoners, I’ve been super lucky (if you want to call it that) in that I haven’t been sidelined with injury related to my mileage.  The worst I’ve had, which sucked, was IT band syndrome back in 2008, and that was how I found out that 50 mpw was about the maximum that my body at the time could handle.

At any rate, at the insistence of a friend, I decided to check-out CrossFit.  I started my foundations class last week at Windy City CrossFit, and basically, the foundations class is an hour, for 3 days a week, for four weeks.  It’s hard to describe– it’s like weightlifting meets interval work meets anaerobic fun meets jump roping meets IDK what else.

It’s basically like adult recess, and I love it so far.

I’ve got to figure out how to swing this and marathon training, especially once I begin training for NYC and Houston, but I’ve got time.  Until then, I’m enjoying learning about this new area of fitness and well-being and am meeting a ton of cool people in the process!

More to come…

For the inquisitive minds

For the inquisitive minds

Saturday’s splits (miles 1-13 were with the pace group, then part of 24 was as well):

  1. 8:18
  2. 8:09
  3. 8:09
  4. 8:17
  5. 7:59
  6. 8:15
  7. 8:11
  8. 7:53
  9. 8:15
  10. 8:19
  11. 7:57
  12. 8:04
  13. 7:58
  14. 8:11
  15. 8:09
  16. 7:58
  17. 7:56
  18. 7:49
  19. 8:00
  20. 8:06
  21. 8:21
  22. 8:31
  23. 8:30
  24. 8:37
  25. 8:27
  26. 7:50
  27. .26 (according to my watch) 7:29 pace (for 1:55)

TOTAL: 26.26 miles, 3:34:03, 2,916 calories, 8:09 pace.

OFFICIAL: 26.2 miles, 3:34:05, 8:11 pace 🙂