August 2018 training recap

August 2018 training recap

The eighth month of the year is behind us, incredibly, and in my household anyway, we have already returned to the thick of it with school beginning and all the other concomitant obligations and priorities. It’s sorta like going from zero to 100. I almost forgot to write my July training recap — and then completely forgot to post about it on instagram or fb — but the world kept turning, so here we are.



she *loves* it

What to say about my training in August? To be honest, not a whole lot. The name of the game was recover from racing TSFM, and it took the better part of the month to get there. I’m still not quite sure why it took my body so long to recover from SF — you’d think that after doing more than thirty of these things, I’d be able to predict it a little better — but it did. It was peculiar only because I knew my training had been solid going into the race, and post-race, I didn’t have any new or residual niggles or injuries come up; instead, it was more just a feeling of total exhaustion, of sludge that seemed to populate my legs and never really leave for a long time. Meh. It translated to a month of my almost-lowest volume this year (121.2, exactly half of July’s), but I sure felt like I needed it. I inadvertently took an entire week off (coinciding with a trip to Disneyland), only raced once (“raced”) to help field a full women’s team for XC, and it has been just within the past two weeks that my legs have finally been like oh yeah hey what’s up when I’ve tried anything beyond just GA or recovery paces.

you can’t exactly tell we’re at Disneyland, but we were, and it was hot as hades

Having a “down” month in running right at the end of summer was pretty refreshing. I’m so glad I decided against pacing at the Santa Rosa Marathon at the end of August — for once,  I had some foresight, yay! — because it was nice to have a bit of a break after the marathon and not try to rush my recovery, like I had to last year. In the four weeks of August that I wasn’t running a whole lot, not only did my fam and I head to Anaheim for a little getaway, but the girls and I also enjoyed the rest of summer by doing things around the house (bunkbeds!), playing tourists with my sister’s neighbor’s family who was in town for a few days, and gearing up for a packed year of Girl Scouts stuff and lots of other activities that completely escape me now but that are super time-consuming (but also super fun and mega-rewarding).

Santa Cruz Boardwalk fun with friends (naturally, we’re playing a game that involves toilets)


hiking fun with her GS troop


first swim meet in her new AG

The end of the month marked a “soft beginning” to CIM training, though it likely won’t begin in earnest for a couple weeks still. I’m excited to return to the race — along with a bevy of my teammates and buddies from other teams! — and to train through the gorgeous autumnal weather in SJ (which usually equates to “cool and crisp in the morning and summer-like in the afternoons”). We’ll throw in some XC action into the mix, plus maybe a couple road races this fall, and December will be here before we know it.

descending from MP and into the fog (PC: Janet)


taking it all so seriously with Janet and Meredith (PC: Janet)

Racing: Just the Santa Cruz XC Challenge in mid-to-late August. I haven’t gotten around to writing a RR about it, and it’s like three weeks ex post facto by now, so suffice it to say that I probably won’t. (You can read last year’s recap and imagine it was pretty similar this time around). The course was the same or very similar to last year, and we had a much bigger team turnout than before. It was a warmer day, I still wasn’t feeling recovered from SF, and I ended up running about 2 minutes slower (bah) than last year (and in the process, sorta lost a toenail). No matter; it’s a pretty course, and I love the opportunity to see my teammates and other buddies. It’s always the company that makes this stuff so enjoyable and memorable.

Wolfpack love! and Robin love, too! and desperately hoping I don’t trip on any_one or any_thing (PC: WRC)

Running: Basically all easy miles and just a handful of trail runs in August. I went back to MP for the first time since January, and it was just a few weeks after part of the hills had caught on fire. Sadly, some of the hillsides were still very black and a bit apocalyptic (and even still smelled smoky). On another weekend morning, Janet, Saurabh, and I hit ARP, and my nose exploded 2.5 miles into the run, which was … amusing.

at ARP: yay running is fun!


(literally seconds later) go ahead, guys! I’ll, uh, catch up!


back in business! (PC to all: Janet)

Reading: Eh. I think I mentioned it in July, but I started The Handmaid’s Tale and didn’t get too far with it. Same goes for Brene Brown’s Braving the Wilderness. Very surprisingly to me — since I say that I don’t particularly enjoy reading fiction anymore — I picked up Crazy Rich Asians at the library and just had a blast with it. That said, I have zero desire to see the movie — I’ll do one or the other, but never both — but definitely would recommend the novel if you want something fun for a change. Since finishing that, I began Ben Rhodes’ The World As It Is and am making my way through it.

Eating: I had to put this on here this month because I had the impossible burger twice in August, once at The Counter and again at the Cheesecake Factory. I’m an unpretentious eater, generally speaking, but after being vegetarian for more than a decade (and being almost-vegan for most of that), experience has taught me that veggie burgers are not created equally. I had heard about the impossible burger and hadn’t thought twice about it, writing it off as a stupid gimmick, but when I saw that it was available at the aforementioned two places here in town, I gave it a try. It was good! I can’t really comment to how “meat-like” it tasted or its mouth feel (because let’s be honest, I don’t exactly remember what a burger feels like anymore), but I enjoyed it. For what it’s worth, the Counter prepared it medium well, and I think that tasted better than how CF prepared it.

Cooking: Probably like the rest of the running world, I picked up Shalane and Elyse’s new cookbook this past month and have enjoyed working through some of the recipes. I haven’t made tons from it yet, but everything I’ve made (the can’t beet me smoothie, the chicken cannellini bean soup [sans chicken], presto pesto, superhero muffins with carrots and green apples, and the black bean chipotle burgers) has all been delicious and other-people-approved.

Listening to: Courtney Dauwalter’s interview on I’ll Have Another was super entertaining, and she sounded like such a down-to-earth person in real life that it was almost hard to believe that the same person was such a fierce and formidable ultra competitor. I’ve continued to listen to the same IVF-focused podcast that I’ve listened to pretty regularly for the past year-plus, and I won’t give away any spoilers, but it has gotten super interesting of late. Just within the past week or so, I began listening to Lauren Fleshman and Jesse Thomas’ Work Play Love series as well, which I have enjoyed much more than I anticipated (and would highly recommend).

Annoyed by: Carelessness? Sure. Exhibit A: the whole fambam was in my van a couple weeks ago, with C driving, and we got rear-ended. We were stationary, and the car who hit us was going probably not much more than 10-15 mph. It was enough to make that horrible sound of metal on metal, and when it was all said and done, it cost more than $1k in repairs to my car. Fortunately — importantly — everyone was ok, but it was aggravating because the guy who hit us was 21 and driving without a license (and presumably, without insurance). Everything’s done and over and taken care of by now, and like I said, fortunately, no one was hurt, but seriously: it’s aggravating how careless (or selfish, or however you want to describe this type of behavior) people can be sometimes. 21 years old and without a license??? And still driving a car (that wasn’t his)?! Grrrrr….

Anticipating: Everything. Every day is a new adventure, rife with potential and endless opportunity. How’s that for motivation 😛

July 2018 training recap

July 2018 training recap

And here we are, more than halfway through the year. July was pretty busy and seemed to pass rather quickly, with just shy of 200 miles (198.1, one of the higher months this year), a 5 miler on the 4th in Ohio, my first Wharf to Wharf (and a top 100 finish), and of course, the Big One, the SF Marathon. The kids and I were in Ohio until about halfway through the month, visiting my family and soaking in all the quality time we could, which was awesome on all accounts.


Henry (front) and Lola


we got to partake in many birthday festivities while we were in Ohio 🙂 G is ready to tear into that cake!


they’re so cute and squishy


A living her best life


she loves my sister’s swingset

I’ve written pretty exhaustively about the aforementioned races at this point, particularly the marathon, so I don’t have much more to add, especially on the high-level side of things. Since SF, I’ve taken the past two weeks now pretty easily, running only twice in the week after SF (on Tuesday and Thursday, during swimming, for just about a half hour each) and then going to Disney and walking all day/night and pushing a double on Saturday-Monday. It’s a little weird to not be running a ton at the moment, but I think these two weeks of relative downtime will help me enter into CIM/XC training mode itching to go. In the two weeks post-marathon, I’ve run exactly four times. That’s it. (And honestly, the break was awesome).


Disney for G’s birthday was great, save for the 1000 degree temps daily and his never-ending migraine :/


haven’t done the Bippity-Boppity Boutique in a while, and it was G’s first time ever. She loved being Princess Minnie for a day.


Even with everything I’ve already said about SF, about being grateful to have been able to run in the first place, given the events 6 months ago, to have had an “off day” and still be in the 3:20s (and BQ mightily, etc. etc.), I feel kinda shitty to admit that I’m disappointed about how I ran. That also makes me human, so there’s that. It’s frustrating but obviously not the end of the world. This isn’t me looking for pity or the but SF is such a hard course! sentiments or any other justification; it’s more of me simply commiserating with everyone who has ever trained hard for a race and come up short. We can control a lot when it comes to training for and racing marathons, but there are also many aspects outside our control. It’s sorta part of the process. It’s cool.

marathon dream deferred for now. It’s cool.

The nice thing, naturally, is that you can pick your perspective on the situation as well as your focus. (There’s also loads to be said for process versus outcome-based goals, too, obviously). The best thing I can do is chalk up SF ‘18 as a learning experience and apply the lessons learned to subsequent training rounds, which is what I plan to do. I’ll start CIM/XC training here shortly, so I’ll have plenty of opportunities soon to test my knowledge. Can’t wait!   

ready for more (PC: Janet/Lisa/WRC)


Running: The aforementioned July 4th 5 miler; Wharf to Wharf; and SF Marathon in July. I also got to meet-up in Ohio with my old high school track training partner and got to share some miles with her for the first time in 17 years! It was a blast running with her on an incredibly steamy morning and super fun to compare notes and stories from when we last saw each other nearly 20 years ago. She’s training for Marine Corps., and she’s going to do so well. (We’re basically leading somewhat parallel lives, albeit on opposite sides of the country. We had this going for us in high school, too.). I won’t be pacing the 3:33 group at the Santa Rosa Marathon this year, so I think the only races on the calendar for August are a couple XC meets.

last time we ran together was 17 years ago!

Listening: Finding Mastery had a great conversation with Des Linden that was pretty interesting to listen to; I can’t remember off the top of my head (nor do I have it in my notes), but I also heard a really interesting podcast with Des and her agent, Josh Cox, in the past month. The latter may have been on the Rich Roll show. Also, NYT’s The Daily did a two-piece podcast on the history of Roe v. Wade that was pretty illuminating and something I found especially timely, given the upcoming confirmation hearings of Judge Kavanaugh and his potential to seriously threaten the longevity of the ruling. Ali on the Run also had a series of short podcasts with returning guests Ali Kieffer and Sarah Sellers that I liked, too.

Reading: I was on a reading tear in June, and once I finished my books in July, I hit a bit of a rough patch. I finished Michael Pollan’s How to Change Your Mind which was worthwhile but weird as hell (I’ll never look at a mushroom the same); I wish he’d tour extensively about this book because I’d love to hear him live. Madeline Albright’s Fascism: A Warning was a must-read for anyone remotely interested in policy, international relations, politics, and the like. You get little glimpses of her life story, too, which I knew nothing about. I’ve since started The Handmaid’s Tale (my obligatory fiction read of the year, apparently) and am so far kinda eh toward it. I had heard such great things about the book and the TV series that I think I’ve come into it with unrealistic expectations. (And I’m one of those people who refuses to read the book AND watch the show; I’m either one or the other.) What have you been reading lately that’s worth picking up? Life’s too short to read stuff that we don’t find captivating.


Watching: I took my last couple days of tapering seriously and caught up on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (eh) and finally got around to watching The Greatest Showman, which I’m pretty sure has completely rocked my seven year old’s universe forevermore. (The soundtrack is basically in our DNA now, too). I started La la land but haven’t yet finished it and also got around to seeing Wonder Woman, which I left with conflicted feelings. I saw Incredibles 2 and Hotel Transylvania 3 with the kids and my nephews in the past couple months as well, and my kids have been obsessed with the “bad guy music” from the latter. I continue to be 1000 years behind on the latest and greatest in viewing entertainment, but I welcome suggestions.  Maybe I’ll get to them in the next decade.


Anticipating: The last week and a half of summer before both kids start school. I feel like we’ve had a great summer with all the travel we’ve been able to do and the quality time we’ve gotten to share with family and at home. The beginning of the year is always controlled chaos with all the different hats I get to wear, but it’s also a lot of fun. There’s nothing like new starts, right? Enter into the equation starting marathon training as well, and I look forward to how well I’ll be sleeping at night.




Dreading: Nothing especially comes to mind; I mean, I could probably think of something, but nothing leaps out right away, luckily. I’ve got some non-invasive medical follow-up stuff coming up in the next few months related to the prolific GI issues I had last year, but I’m not anticipating much there. (famous last words?) Oh, and it’s a ways off still, but my 35th birthday present to myself is … drumroll … a baseline mammogram. Hoo-ray. Thank you, insurance.


And now, we August.