2018 Inaugural Food Truck 5k Kids’ Race Race Report – Guest Post From My Six Year-Old – San Jose, CA
The real highlight of Saturday’s Food Truck 5k was watching A run the kids’ race. She has run kids’ races before, but it had been a while (not counting last summer’s kids’ triathlon). She likes to run, to a degree, but I think if given the option between running, or swimming, or biking, running would probably be her last choice (unless you were chasing her in a game of tag, in which case, game on). When I asked her if she’d want to participate in the kids’ run, she enthusiastically said yes and reminded me that it’d be great practice for her in advance of her next triathlon at the end of April.
In keeping with the same format that I used to recap her triathlon last summer, I’ll share below our interview about her kids’ race experience at the inaugural Food Truck 5k event last Saturday. I’ll share her responses unedited and will include any annotations after each remark for clarity.
Why did you want to run the kids’ race at the Food Truck 5k?
Because it sounded like fun and you were in it!
What were you looking forward to about the kids’ race?
I don’t really know. I was … (thinking for a while) … (after some clarifying comments from me) … having fun, I guess?
How did you feel before doing the kids’ race? Were you scared, excited, or something else?
Nervous and excited. The nervous part was if I might get lost or if I got last place because it was a big run, but it turned out that it wasn’t a big run. The excited part was … I don’t really know the excited part!
Did you train for the kids’ race? If yes, how did you train? If not, why didn’t you train?
Not really, I mean, a lot! At school, we run one lap around the track or three laps around the track, and today (4/19) I ran three laps around the track. We were doing a sport called soccer, and we took a break, and instead of doing that, we did running, and pull-ups, and push-ups. I trained, and stretched, and exercised.
Did you feel prepared for the kids’ race?
Kind of?
What did you decide to wear for the kids’ race?
I wanted to wear shorts with butt pads and a Wolfpack shirt because I’m on the Wolfpack team.

Why did you want to wear butt pad shorts?
Because I might fall in the race and I don’t want my butt to … actually, [butt pad shorts] feels kinda comfortable. (function over fashion; that’s my girl)
When you were at the starting line before your race began, can you please describe to me what it was like?
It was like, I don’t know. I felt like I was running, kinda, because I was in a running starting pose. I felt excited, happy, strong, a little, like 1% nervous, and ready to run. That’s how I felt.

Tell me about your race. Was it easy? Did it feel tough? How long was it (miles, minutes, hours)?
I was running about … I don’t know, I don’t really know, barely half a mile. (Was it easy?) A little bit. Because it was a short run. I can run short runs, but not three miles. I can’t run that long.
Did it feel tough?
No, not really.

What did you run on? Did you run on pavement, or grass, or something?
I kinda ran through little pieces of hard sand and then through grass. (I have never seen “little pieces of hard sand” in Arena Green in my life, but then again, I don’t think I’ve ever looked for it, either. I think she means “dirt”).

Were you going super fast, or slow, or some other pace?
SUPER FAST! That’s why I was behind three boys. And I was the first girl to cross the finish line!

How did you feel when you finished the race?
I felt a little bit tired, but I felt really well, I mean really good!

Did you earn any special prizes for completing the race?
No, not really, I mean… yes, I got a headband. And a sticker. And also a medal! Just like you did.
Would you do another kids’ running race in the future?
I think so, as long as it’s short!
You’re a couple weeks away from your triathlon. How are you feeling about it?
A little bit scared. (I asked for additional clarification and got none).
Would you recommend this kids’ race to other six year-olds?
Yep. (She, momentarily, lacked her mother’s loquaciousness).
She’s short on words at the moment — probably what I get for trying to talk to her while she’s playing on electronics — but on race day, she obviously had a great experience. The kids’ races were broken down into two heats, “7 and unders” and “8 and ups,” though if the little kids wanted to race in both heats, they could. (The distance was just negligibly longer). She was satisfied with running in her heat, and honestly, she was thrilled that she came in right after three probably-older-than-her boys; I think she just enjoyed chasing that little lead back and the RR staff member who was leading the race. She loves a good game of tag.
I never push my girls to run, but if there’s a kids’ option available at any race that I do, and the logistics are feasible (which isn’t always the case), I extend the option; I’m just glad that she had such a positive experience.
The kids’ run was a fun way to close-out Saturday’s Food Truck 5k race day and a great stepping stone to Sunday’s inaugural Silicon Valley half marathon, the headlining event of the weekend.