Arnold running
And seemingly like *that*, November and Thanksgiving’s behind us, we’re in the throes of December, and it’s CIM race week (not that I’m running it this year or anything, but it’s still exciting)! This time of year passes by so, so quickly.

My in-laws came out to spend time with us over the Thanksgiving break, and we trekked up to Arnold over for a nice little getaway.

The kids got to experience snow for the first time, made snowmen outside, and generally had an awesome time. California is great in that way; depending on your direction of travel, you could be in snowy mountains or at a sunny beach. Can’t go wrong.

Bad storms on both sides of our trip made us shorten our reservation, making us go up on Thanksgiving, have our Thanksgiving meal on Friday, and come home on Saturday morning. Aside from playing at the airBnB where we stayed, I got to run on Friday in the neighborhood (with several inches of snow on the ground), and let me tell you, run-playing in the snow for the first time in six years (and at 4,000’) was wonderful. It wasn’t super cold that day (maybe mid to high 20s, by far the coldest I’ve run in since moving here), but it was beautiful.