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getting comfortable with failing

getting comfortable with failing

By no means am I an expert at, well, necessarily anything, depending on your definition of what expert or expertise entails, but the least I can tell you–or probably safer still, promise you–is that consistency will take you pretty far… as will a sense of fearlessness and a relative comfort in failing.

At the end of this week, I hope to be comfortably collapsed on a piece of furniture, with my young daughter and husband probably dogpiled on top of me, as I stretch out my super-fatigued muscles, addaday-ing them away, while deeply and gratifyingly exhaling… taaaaaaaaaaaaaaper.

When I began my marathoning endeavors back in 2007, and really, probably until sometime after my first few marathons postpartum, tapering was the worst part of training for me. It was as though there were some crazy disconnect going on in my life as suddenly, I was re-handing to myself hours and hours of my life that I would normally be spending on the (Chicago) roads, churning, churning, churning, working for whatever probably-arbitrary goal I had set for myself.

Suddenly, my training volume and intensity decreased, and all I had to do was wait.

and not think.

and think about not thinking about the race that I probably shouldn’t be thinking about.

As you can surely glean, things got messy in the space between my ears, and come race day, I shit you not, I would be damn near SHAKING, literally, friends, as I toed the line because of all the self-inflicted anxiety and second-guessing I had thrown at myself during the taper… thinking that made me think that suddenly, all the preceding weeks and months of ass-kicking training, the sexy (mileage) and unsexy (crosstraining, flexibility, strength work, all the prehab stuff… basically everything but running) stuff no longer mattered or were somehow magically insufficient now.

As I look back on things, I think one of the biggest changes that came to my training and races from my prepartum days to those postpartum is that over time, I’ve gotten more comfortable with the idea that, while I might fail to reach my A or B goal for the day, chances are, the race isn’t going to be a complete bust because I’ve gotten a lot of consistent years of training behind me by now. That’s not to say shit can’t happen during a race, because it most certainly can, but by and large, chances are that everything will be a-okay.


It might not be pretty, there might not be unicorns, but barring absolute, absolute, absolute catastrophe, I will finish vertically instead of horizontally.

Failing, and the idea of being comfortable with failing, is something that has been on my mind a lot these days because as I alluded to earlier, this week is my final peak week before I begin tapering down my mileage and intensity in preparation for my first 50k on December 14.

The nice thing about doing an event for the first time is that it’s your first time, so there’s really no standard to worry about or any metric against which you can measure yourself. I’ve never run 31 miles and change before, so the mere fact that I will simply focus on finishing the event before the time cut-off is worthy of celebration in and of itself (in other words: instant PR, baby!).

The bad thing about doing an event for the first time, though, is precisely that– it’s your first time, and no matter how much you’ve read, studied, damn near interviewed people more experienced and wiser than you, you still have no idea of what you don’t know. You think you know everything, that you’ve got it all figured out, but really… you have no fuckin’ clue, my friend (sorry, but the truth can hurt sometimes). I felt this way going into my first marathon in ’07, and I felt this way before giving birth in ’11; some things you simply have to do, or experience, for yourself. No amount of studying or interviewing or anything but the straight-up experience, itself, will suffice.

To be sure, there’s a decent chance that I’ll fail on the day of the 50k. Maybe it’ll be my first DNF or hell, a DNS; anything can happen. Maybe I’ll get mauled by a random mountain lion who decides to hang out along the 50k route and go after ginger ultramarathon novices. Or good grief, maybe I’ll get lost and have to somehow rapel my way down the hills days afterward because a search party can’t find me because I’ve gotten myself *that* lost.

follow the pretty lines
perhaps the mountain lions won’t be able to follow orange or yellow lines…

While some of these scenarios are probably at least a bit more unlikely than others, I guess what matters most is that before we do anything–in terms of our running, in terms of our career aspirations, or hell, in terms of our relationships or families or whatever–there’s always that chance, that crazy possibility that something will go so profoundly and catastrophically wrong that it’ll make make us regret and resent the initial decision we made however long ago to go outside our comfort zone and try something new. Fear of failing is real, and profound, and scary, people.

To that chance though, to that chance that I might fail, or DNF, or DNS, or GMBAML (get mauled by a mountain lion, obvs), I say: fuck it. Life’s far too short and far too precious to stay comfortable and to grow complacent. It’s not until we get so far above and beyond and through (all the prepositions!) our comfort zones that we grow: as people, as members of society, as runners, as whatever. We don’t know what we don’t know, and we only learn by experiencing… by growing… and by exploring.

lots of ascending with @8hasin to get this high... something unattainable from my comfort zone down far below (cred: SB)
lots of ascending with @8hasin to get this high… something unattainable from my comfort zone down far below (cred: SB)

There’s always that chance of failing, but seriously, there’s always that chance of succeeding, too.

Besides, you never know what you’re going to find along the way.

like bliss.
like bliss.

all my love to our upcoming racers in Philly, Dallas, and CIM, as well to everyone else who’s finally saying ‘eff it’ and going after those crazy-ass goals… fear of failure be damned.

If I blogged more frequently…

If I blogged more frequently…

Austin (hi!) made me laugh when he devoted an entire blog entry essentially to “you’d know more about all this stuff in my [running or not-related] life if I took the time to write about it” because I can absolutely relate. I’ve had this domain since 2008 (I think), and just take a look at the archives; you can see for yourself the huge gaps in months for a long time… and then there’s the fact that many of my entries begin with something along the lines of “yes, I know, I’m a terrible blogger, but [insert excuse here].” Maybe it comes with the territory.

That said, just like what Austin did, here’s what you’d hear more of if I were writing more regularly (though I am working on it… and being essentially off the grid the past few days has helped some):

  1. I am really stoked for Eugene. Like, super stoked. I’m really excited to go to that part of the US (never been), to see and rock the race with this guy, and to play with this girl, and to run like hell, and to have an amazing time with them before but especially after the race. It should be awesome.
  1. I signed up for the Chicago Marathon (registration blitz be damned) after a few nights of convincing from this speedy fella that we would have fun running it and that (big gasp) he wouldn’t let me do any less than a… what’d you say, 3:25?! More on that to come; let me get through Eugene first…
  1. Despite (or because of?) me not weighing myself at all in the past 3 weeks, I have been feeling strangely empowered yet also like I’m losing weight (or at least “toning” or “tightening” [makes me think of 80s workout videos] in ways I wasn’t anticipating). Not weighing myself daily for the past almost-month has definitely made me re-evaluate how I think about my eating habits and body image as well. I’m super curious to see where I am now but am also a bit afraid of getting back into the habit…
  1. Speaking of, I’ve been meaning to write on the topic of fear for a while now, and in that vein, I took a deep breath and signed up for adult swim classes next term with the Chicago Park District. To say I am nervous, and/or scared, is an understatement. Truth be told, I’m excited as well, but it’s about 97% nervousness/scared and 2% excitement (with 1% “other”).
  1. I’ve been considering more and more going 100% vegan. I am probably about 98% there already, and having a stomach bug for nearly a week, after what I thought was surely brought on by dairy, has damn near sealed the deal.
  1. I took a quick trip with my daughter and mother-in-law to my MIL’s farm in rural SE MO to see her family and got to run through the country, cotton fields on both sides of the road and everything. The town’s population? 469. Also, I think I found one of the only places flatter than Chicago. One day, I also ran into Arkansas; I don’t think I’ve ever crossed state lines on a run before (not even from last year’s Madison-Chicago Ragnar). I was just excited to wear shorts every day I ran there… particularly when Chicago was getting slammed with snow.
    It was a thrill to wear a tank and shorts on this run... I think the post-run glow was equal parts sweat, equal parts 'I'M SO EXCITED TO NOT BE RUNNING IN THE COLD'
    It was a thrill to wear a tank and shorts on this run… I think the post-run glow was equal parts sweat, equal parts ‘I’M SO EXCITED TO NOT BE RUNNING IN THE COLD’

    little breezier on my 12-miler but still, high 40s in early March is a win IMHO
    little breezier on my 12-miler but still, high 40s in early March is a win IMHO
  1. I ran 4 consecutive weeks of nearly 50 miles/week since I began training for Eugene; this is enormous for me. Before giving birth, 50 miles/week was my sweet spot, the point at which my left ITB would tell me to eff off and I’d have to take a couple weeks of very easy, relaxed running to get comfortable again. Now, 47, 48, 50+ feels about the same to me as 35-40. Pretty crazy.
  2. My parents are coming to stay with us in late May when my dad comes in for a work thing. It’s not running-related at all, but hey, I love my parents 🙂 and surely I will run when they’re here… they generally don’t begin their days before 10am. 😀
  3. My daughter is almost 2 years old already (early May). That is probably the most unreal thing of all, running-related or not. It’s cliché to say that kids grow up quickly, but good god… and how.
    About a day old here (still in the hospital)
    About a day old here (still in the hospital)
    the newest member of the security team at the Arch viewing area in StL
    the newest member of the security team at the Arch viewing area in StL


  4. I quit crossfit. It wasn’t them, or my box, or the coaches; it was me. I do miss the people though.